My Poetry ShelvesOpen one of W.H. Auden's poetry collections at random and let your mind float free... Or would you prefer a taste of Philip Larkin's bleak cynicism or Seamus Heaney's engagement with the world at large? Of course, if you're in search of immortal beauty, you'd better take Emily Dickinson's collected poems to hand and be baffled by the timeless quality of her works. Or maybe something modern is more to your taste? Then read a few poems by Sonia Sanchez, sensual, vibrant, bluesy, and breathtaking...
Has your interest been piqued? Take a look at the poetry collections of
Richard Wilbur, for
instance Things Of This World, Advice to a Prophet, or The Beautiful Changes. Gorgeous,
down-to-earth poetry. Or perhaps Ezra Pound is more to your liking? He could very well have
been the only one who could fully understand his
Cantos, but it's still musical poetry of the
highest quality. The same goes for Marianne Moore, by the way, but just take the trouble to
read the poems in her
Complete Poems out loud... If you're looking for poets beyond the displayed section, take a look at the rest of my Poetry cabinet.